Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Countdown Begins....

I know, I know. It has been SO long since I have last posted. Life has been pretty crazy around the Guderian household. I will try a lot harder to be consistent...remember I said try. 
WELL the COUNTDOWN BEGINS! To be honest it's been going for a while but now it's just the final stretch!  We have our ultrasound on Monday the 7th @ noon!! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! When Andrew and I talk about it I begin to shake and dance with excitement (no seriously). For the past week or so EVERYONE has been telling us what they think BABY G will be, a baby GIRL or a baby BOY! It's been pretty fun to hear but will be more fun to see who is actually right. Good thing is everyone has a good chance of being right, 50/50. SO Monday is our BIG day if baby decided to cooperate and show us it' well you know. I am just praying we don't have a shy little one! 
I am now 19 and a half weeks! Where did the time go? At least that's how it feels now. Ask me again when I am further the 3rd trimester (I hear that's killer). Anyway, I feel my sweet, energetic, full of life baby move ALL of the time. Ah. Every time it moves I fall in love a little more. This may sound cheesy but it completely true. It's amazing how you can have so much love for someone you haven't met yet. Especially someone who LOVES to kick you from the inside out. We're becoming so close, baby and me that is. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner EVERYDAY together. That's how you know it's a progressing relationship. Our mornings together our the best (this is also true).  I eat and talk to baby and in return it moves....I like to think it's telling me "thank you mom", when really it's probably just thinking "Finally I am starving". Either one is okay with me as long as baby is happy and moving. Some days I just want to sit and leave my hand on belly for the entire day. I might just do that some time. Is that okay....has it ever been done? 
For so long I have heard many women tell me that one day I would just wake up and I would have popped. I always thought this was strange. You go to sleep with a semi flat poochy stomach and wake up with a hard bump, I didn't believe them. BUT lo' and behold it happened to me.  Even my dear,sweet, amazing husband chimed in on our new discovery. I believe he said "Wow, when did that happen".  Good morning to you too babe. I stared in the mirror for a while wondering how it could get any bigger (cut me some slack people, it's my 1st). Yes, I know I will get bigger. A lot bigger. And I am perfectly okay with that. It was just the shocker of waking up with a little bump. I am proud to say that I am an owner of maternity jeans. Yep you heard right! I said PROUD and MATERNITY in one sentence! I was on a search in Seattle and I found them only after 2 stores! I have heard such awful things about maternity pants BUT I LOVE mine!! I got them at A Pea in the Pod. They were a little pricey but worth every penny (True Religion). SO my pregnant advice for any mommy to be would be invest in some designer maternity jeans they are worth every penny. 
Here are some update pictures of my growing self, brace yourself....just kidding. Until next time my friends!

Okay DON'T freak out, this is a picture of me @ eight weeks (2 months)below is a picture of 19 weeks (5 months)....

And one more just for fun...

I love my growing belly BUT I love my growing baby even more!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Flutters, Popcorn and Bubbles!

So it is official! I can feel my little bebe move! Turns out it wasn't gas....who knew! Baby G moves around the most in the morning when I am eating breakfast and when I am about to go to sleep (which should be a great time when it really starts to play soccer with my ribs).  Anyway this has by far been the most exciting thing this week! I just can't wait for Andrew to be able to join in on feeling movement too! In the mean time I will soak it ALL up myself. It's just so crazy to think something is alive inside of my body.  Will that ever not sound crazy?! Hi, don't mind me...I am just growing a human being inside of me! Wow, now I just feel really talented. I grow human beings. What a fun, crazy, miraculous journey this has been so far.

We're headed out to Seattle this weekend for a YP Retreat (youth pastors).  It will be so nice to just get out of town for a few days and receive, grow and learn from other pastors. Don't get me wrong there will shopping involved in this trip. If you know me, there is always shopping involved. Good news is all of my clothes still fit (with a few minor adjustments of course).  BUT this week some of my jeans are just not that comfy around the waist anymore SO I will be in search of a couple of maternity jeans. It sounds so weird to say "maternity".  When I hear that word first thing that comes to mind is huge...anyone else? Maternity styles definitely has transformed over the years. At least that's what I hear older mamas saying. I will take their word for it. So the search will begin this weekend. I am almost certain this is what Andrew is looking forward to the most, maternity jean shopping. YEAH RIGHT. Have you ever met him? He is a flip flop, Toms shoes kinda guy and I am a high heel, boots kind of girl. But it's true that I have been blessed with an amazing husband who seems to now understand when I say "those shoes are beautiful".  He gets me or at least pretends to.  If and when I find the "perfect" pair of jeans I will be sure to share about them for all of you other mommas out there with expanding waist lines. 

Who knows maybe we will find some other goods for our little one while we're there. ONE thing is for husband will be getting his OWN diaper bag....or man bag. Whatever you would like to call it.  He would like to hold on to his dignity, I mean he'll already be carrying our baby in a Bjorn, the last thing he wants is a "girlie-esque" bag he has to tote around.  Agreed. Guess what? You can be a hot dad..*gasp*...yes it's true.  I told him 2 things I would never make him do were carry a girlie bag and drive a minivan (no offense to those who have one).  I guess I should never say never. We've all learned from that once or twice. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Strollers and Car seats and Cribs, OH MY!

This afternoon I decided to swing by a local baby store here in town. I thought it would be a good idea to check out the selection. Bad idea. I left wanting EVERYTHING I saw.  Cribs, strollers, car seats, wraps, get it.  By the time I left I had brochures on all of the products I liked and became best friends with the owner of the store, that's how long I was there. I pushed strollers around, relaxed and put my feet up on the glider imagining holding my baby, tried out car seats and was updated on all of the new wraps (baby carriers).  
There are a TON of products out there that are total necessity and some that are complete luxury. Unfortunately for my husband I lean more on one side then the other...take your guess. Even before I got pregnant I researched baby stuff, yes I know what you're thinking but at least I know what I want...kind of. Since the beginning I have had my heart and mind set on the Orbit baby stroller. Ah. Even the thought of it gets me excited and all warm inside. *side note, shoes and designer jeans ALSO give me that same feeling.  We even went to a store downtown and tried one out (husband loved it), it was amazing. The car seat and stroller rotate 360 degrees, making this a lot easier on our backs getting in and out of the car. I could go on and on about it but I will show you a picture.  
Unless I find another stroller that I am "in desperate need of" I'm pretty sure this is the lucky one.  But it all depends on the husband, usually how it goes right?
Swings, bouncers, joggers, bassinets, pack n play...the list could go on forever. So as I begin to register I will pick out my few favorites. You know the I can't live without things? Yeah.  The rest will be practical things to make mine and baby G's life easier. Less is more right? Well, we'll see. Until next time I will be dreaming of my precious baby in the Orbit. 
*If you'd like to know where I am registered let me know, I would love to tell you...*wink wink

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Lovely Avocado

Our little Baby G is the size of an avocado this week! Lots of cool stuff has been happening with him/her (I think its a him).  

Milestones for my lil avocado:
*It can hear voices now! We've been rockin out to Kari Jobe lately and this evening I threw a little Boyz 2 Men in there. Every once in a while when Andrew isn't around I throw in some good ol' country!
*Toenails have started to grow! Maybe they are little girl toenails that I can polish someday. I wonder how big his/her feet will be...Andrew is a size 14...YES a size 14 and well, I am average at a 7 1/2.  Interesting combo I know.
*Its little heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day.  Seems like a ton for such a little thing!
Milestone for me:
They say that around week 16 you should start to feel the baby move. I haven't been too anxious about this, seeing as it is my first pregnancy. BUT I am almost certain that I was feeling my little active one move last night. "They"(Andrew doesn't like "they" cause he never knows who I am talking about, ummm neither do I. The internet people??) say it will feel like flutters or bubbles. That's what I was feeling last night. For a while too. It woke me up. I am trying to not get to excited about it though, after all it could have just been gas! Lets be real here please. PREGNANT women have gas.  Whew, glad you all know now.

Every week I get updates in my email about baby and my pregnancy.  And each week it compares my baby to some sort of fruit or veggie. I thought this was a little weird at first and honestly it just made me want to eat what it was telling me my baby was.  I always thought, "Hmm that actually sounds really good right now."  I felt like some sort of weirdo, like I was eating my baby. But the truth is I just like fruit and veggies....some veggies.

I am just LOVING being pregnant. If I knew that all of my pregnancies would be this easy I would have 10 kids. Okay maybe not ten but probably more than I plan.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can I have my emotions back please? Thank you.

You hear about women doing crazy things when they're pregnant and feeling like they don't have any control over their emotions. Well, I feel like I have reached that side. Poor Andrew. I mean the littlest thing can make feel like a Jr. high girl who claims that "no one understands".  Just the other night I ended up crying like a child (really) because Andrew "hurt my feelings". This is how it went down. I was studying downstairs and my dear sweet husband was upstairs making dinner for us. Tacos, beans and rice....delightful. At the end of the meal there was some left over ground beef, well if you know Andrew and I, we RARELY eat left overs. Andrew was going to toss it out but I told him I could eat it for lunch tomorrow. Andrew let out a sigh (he probably didn't believe me, I don't blame him) and started to look for a container to put it in. Then he opens the fridge and shows me a container with left over ground beef in it. I lost it. I BURST into tears. I mean you should have seen the look on his face. Confusion, disbelief, MORE confusion. Dang you, ground beef. The night ended well with him coming and snuggling with me and me apologizing for being so emotional.  Not to mention I am so needy.  Andrew got up to brush his teeth the other night and I burst into tears again cause he was leaving. Seriously?! Yes, seriously. This is no joke people. I am sure he would LOVE to laugh at me but that would only cause more tears.  I know some of you reading might be thinking, "wow she is an emotional basket case" perhaps but then maybe you have never been pregnant.  All it really takes is for some great convos with my friends who have been there to make me feel normal again. And then I usually think "Wow, I am not that bad."  I am hoping this is temporary in my pregnancy. Come on Baby G, give mama her emotions back. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby G and Me

To keep you all updated on how Baby G looks on the outside, here is a picture of me @ 16 weeks. For those of you who get confused with the week system I am 4 months!  We have our 20 week ultrasound on February 7th. Can't wait to finally see our baby and find out if I need to buy bows or footballs....I guess I should say a fishing pole. That fits Andrew a little better.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dr. Appt, Starbucks, Date Day

Today we had our second Dr. appointment. I was kind of dreading the part of the appointment when you hop on a scale and then they chart down your weight. I mean the holidays DID just end. Lets just say I didn't hold off on eating "to few" tamales when we were in California.  But it was a pleasant surprise when our nurse Marnee giggled and said "if you come to your next appointment and haven't gained much more, Dr. Grace will need to talk to you".  Amazing, I totally indulged over the holidays (mostly just on tamales) and total gainage (not a word) was 1/2 a lb. Now, I do know I have a long way to go so my pride will end here.
I love having Andrew with me at my appointments. We both have NO idea what we're doing and most of the time look at each other not really knowing how to answer Dr. Grace's questions.  Eventually one of us answers. Whether is was right or wrong we'll never know.
While Dr. Grace was going over some of my test results she told Andrew and I that my body rejected the Rubella vaccine. Really?? That happens? That was my initial thought. Apparently it happens to 1 in 10 women. She assured me I wasn't the only woman in Bozeman, Mt whose body rejects it. Not sure if that made me feel better or not. All I know is that if you aren't vaccinated we probably shouldn't be friends until baby is born.  We can still talk on the phone though. 
We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again! Ah such a sweet sound. This time we recorded it.  Baby G is an active little thing and kept moving around when she was trying to get a good sound! I am not sure that hearing the heartbeat will ever get old.  After the appt we went and had some Starbucks. I read a pregnancy magazine while my husband read a book on Hawaii. I love that man.  Today was a great day for our little family! Here is to a good nights sleep!

Video to come soon!